Olivia Wilkinson
15 Gifts for the Incredible Mothers in your Life
Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and is the perfect opportunity to express your love and gratitude for someone who has sacrificed so much for those around them. If you’ve ever asked your mom what she wants for a birthday or holiday, you’ve probably been met with something along the lines of “oh, I just want everyone to get along” or “just a card would be nice”. Of course we all want to gift something beyond that, so we’re here to provide you with our top 15 picks of gifts for mothers that will guarantee the wonderful women in your life are pleased with the thought you put into it.
Essential Oil Blends for Mindfulness
Here at Jade Bloom we are putting a lot of emphasis on the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a form of meditation and a kind of presence that involves being in touch with your senses and experiencing them without judgment or interpretation. Mindfulness can be a very difficult skill to perfect, and we want to do whatever possible to help you practice mindfulness in order to strengthen your mind and body, get through difficult times in your life, and overcome or cope with anxiety and depression. Several of Jade Bloom’s essential oil blends are specifically formulated to assist in the different aspects of mindfulness. We have compiled a list of our favorite blends so you can determine which is the right choice for you to assist with your mindfulness journey.
Natural Cleaning Essentials for Spring by Jade Bloom
Winter is finally coming to an end! As our bodies begin to produce enough Vitamin D from the sun again, we may be finding ourselves full of energy and cultivating the motivation to have an organized, clean home: hence the spring cleaning fever that can take over each of us. Very few people truly enjoy spending a lot of time cleaning, so we want it to be as simple and efficient as possible to have that cozy, tidy home. We hope to support this endeavor and have compiled a list of our favorite Jade Bloom products for natural cleaning to ease your burdens and help you find what you need with the simple click of a button.
Unlocking the Power of Gratitude: Benefits, Science, and Practical Steps - Jade Bloom
The reality of our existence is that we get out of the world what we put into it. One that is continuously putting negativity out into the world is only going to see that same negativity reflected back to them. In the same way, if we are choosing to notice all of the good that comes out of this world and put that same goodness back in, we are going to feel far more fulfilled and happy. Being grateful sounds like something that should be easy to implement, but in reality, practicing gratitude in everyday life is much harder than it may seem. Here at Jade Bloom, we are aware of the incredible changes that can come about from improving one’s ability to practice gratitude, so we have provided a guide to the science behind gratitude as well as specific steps you can take to improve your practice of gratitude on a daily basis.
Recommended Books for Aromatherapy & Mindfulness in 2023 | Jade Bloom
A new year potentially means a new list of resolutions and perhaps a subsequently fresh mindset. If you’ve made a resolution that involves reading more throughout this year, it can be hard to know where to start and what to read. Why not use this resolution as an opportunity to discover new ways to find presence and mindfulness, connect with your higher self, and be educated on aromatherapy and how it can be implemented in your everyday life? We have compiled a list of books that we recommend if this is the sort of growth you’re hoping to achieve in 2023.
Mastering Long-Term Goals: Tips for Sustainable Success
2023 has brought in a whole new set of resolutions from hundreds of millions of adults. Unfortunately, according to the Chamber of Commerce, about 80% of these New Year’s Resolutions will likely fail. This is particularly true with long-term goals or resolutions. Due to the complicated, ever-changing world we live in, staying on track with a long-term resolution can be incredibly difficult. While it can be much more difficult to really stick with long-term goals than short-term goals, setting long term goals can be immensely beneficial, if not vital, for achieving a desired future outcome. By learning how to be truly successful in setting long-term goals, one can find themselves achieving success in many different areas of their lives. By referencing advice given by those who regularly achieve their long-term goals, we can help you unlock the secrets to being able to keep and follow through with your long-term resolutions and goals.
Our Top 10 Gifts for Women and Men | JADE BLOOM
The Christmas season is upon us which means gift-giving stress is right around the corner. It can be difficult during this time of year to find gifts for your loved ones that are both exciting and useful. If you are in need of ideas, we have compiled what we consider to be our top 10 gifts for women and our top 10 gifts for men that are sure to knock the socks off of anyone who receives them.
Using Aromatherapy to Assist with PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can manifest in those who have experienced a traumatic event, often involving a threat or act of physical violence or danger. For those that suffer from PTSD, some form of therapy or the use of pharmaceuticals are often the first things considered. However, aromatherapy may be a highly beneficial option to consider in conjunction with other forms of healing in order to alleviate PTSD symptoms, especially due to the fact that scent is the sense most strongly associated with memory.
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