DermaGlucan (mix-in ingredient)
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DermaGlucan - The new beta-glucan for skin care
Patented formulation process produces both the highest bioavailability and the highest purity of beta-glucan at 85% over any other product on the market.
DermaGlucan is not intended to be used on its own. It is a mix-in ingredient
for your DIY skin care products you'd like to be more moisturizing.
Skin moisture
Skin firmness
Skin elasticity
For millennia, Aloe Vera has been associated with beauty and protection of the skin. A dermatological institute conducted studies to compare DermaGlucanTM with a top-quality extract of Aloe Vera. In these tests, women aged 36-64 were treated twice daily with cosmetic gels containing either 0.25% of DermaGlucanTM or 0.25% of the Aloe Vera extract.
The measurements after 14 and 28 days showed unequivocal results: in all tests, DermaGlucanTM significantly improved the appearance of the skin. Wrinkle depth was reduced while skin elasticity and firmness were increased. Compared to the well- established plant, Aloe Vera, the positive effects of DermaGlucanTM were clearly stronger. All the tests also resulted in a higher number of women showing skin improvements with DermaGlucanTM than with Aloe Vera.
If you'd rather not add the DermaGlucan to an entire bottle of lotion, you can put a small amount (dime size) of DermaGlucan in the palm of your hands and add your lotion on top of it and mix together with your hands before applying to your neck/face/body.
Since the discovery of beta-glucan in common yeast 70 years ago, many health benefits of this remarkable substance have been observed. Particularly, beta-glucans strong activation of the immune system makes it unique. This happens in the gastrointestinal tract but it is also true for the immune system of the skin. Since the skin represents a considerable part of our contact with the outside world, its immune system is of great importance. Beta-glucan substantially contributes to the health and appearance of the skin by strengthening it with the activation of Langerhans cells. The positive effects of a strong immune system include slowing down skin aging, preventing damage by UV light, protecting against environmental impacts, and regenerating quickly after irritations.
The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA
This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. This information is for educational purposes only and may not be complete, nor may its data be accurate.
Safety precautions: Extremely potent use with care. Consult a professional reference for correct dilution ratios prior to application.
Avoid in pregnancy and lactation. Keep away from the eye area. Keep out of reach of children.