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Customer Reviews

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  1. Jade Bloom never disappoints.
    I keep Kashmir Lavendar on hand at all times. I use it every night at bed time to help me snooze. I diffuse it along with a tiny drop of Lucid when my grandson is visiting or when I'm super stressed. It helps us to unwind and nod right off. I also apply it topically mixed with peppermint oil and coconut oil, to insect bites, rashes or other skin discomforts. I have tried other pricier oils and prefer JB hands down! And customer service can't be beat!

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  2. Lovely Lavender
    The lavender was the very first oil I ever ordered from Jade bloom and have ordered several bottles since then. It is the same quality as the much more expensive oil. It is warm and soothing.

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  3. perfect
    Very versatile oil, beautiful smell. I combine it with geranium oil (from JB of course!), vitamin E oil and coconut oil and use it on my face. Its great thrown in with laundry or diffused. I also put a a drop in my mascara! You can not go wrong with this lavender, my only wish is that it came in larger size!

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  4. Great Smell
    Helps with my insomnia, relaxing smells great and before you know it sweet dreams! Highly Recommend

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  5. I carry it with me everywhere
    I love Jade Bloom oils. Just this Rare Kashmir Lavender alone I bought 3-4 bottles within a year. Live in warm and moist environment I carry this with me everywhere for insect bites and minor cuts for preventing from infection.
    Few drops on my pillow for sleep. And just a smell for peace in mind.

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  6. Good Nights Sleep!
    I use Lavender every night! I put a drop or two on my pillow and sleep like a baby. I do not miss a night without it. Works great for burns and insect bites. Also, I used this on my dog's bed. He had congestive heart failure and would have restless days and nights toward the end. I could put a drop on his bed and within minutes he would calm down and take a nap. We used this on his last several months of life and it helped tremendously for him and us to rest. Use with caution only a drop at a time. Dog's sense of smell are very strong. This is my main oil that I will never be without! Love my Lavender!!!

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  7. Love
    This is one of my favorites. I also used it for a burn on my arm, as another user stated, it's been about a week and my arm is almost completely healed and no scars!

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  8. Great Oil!
    This oil is awesome. My daughter touch our pellet stove while it was on and burned her hand bad. I put as few drops of JB lavender oil and it healed within a week! Also took the pain away instasntly! Great buy!!!

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  9. Amazing
    I use essential oils from several companies. Jade Bloom produces a superior product. The Lavender Kashmir is the most amazing lavender I have used. It is superior to any other companies product. The scent is more pronounced and different than other lavender oils. I difuse it in our bedroom and in the room the dogs sleep in. I have used it for burns, works wonders.
    We have one dog that is hyper. I give her lavender massages (mixed with a carrier oil) and she settles down for a peaceful nights sleep. Would recommend to anyone.

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  10. I love this
    When I make my bed I put a few drops on my pillow! I also add some to my diffuser. Great product & an easy company to work with!

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