Refresh-Mint Hydrosol Spray
There aren't many aromas more refreshing than mint! Our hydrosols are fantastic when stored in the fridge and sprayed on your face/body on a hot day, and this uplifting mint rendition is no exception. This beautifully blended hydrosol spray is a wonderful for caring for skin, especially dry, fragile, sensitive, & aging skin types. It tones, balances, and calms the skin and is anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial. It supports wound healing, bruise repair, & scar prevention. The physical benefits are great, but it's also emotionally supportive, uplifting, & eases nervous tension.
To Use: Spray as an aromatic face or body spritz. Use this mixture to enliven your linens. Add to bathwater for a fragrant and soothing bath. Diffuse for a minty scent that isn't too overpowering.
Ingredients: Co-distillation hydrosol of Peppermint, Spearmint and Bergamot Mint (Mentha piperita x Mentha spicata x Mentha citrata)
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